We're using a revolutionary new plugin for use with our Lightwave software to bring you this brand new intro sequence. Your mind will be blown!
Hello. I also like looking at illuminated screens as well as pressing buttons. We have a lot in common!
Age 41
Tanadrine Studios
Joined on 12/31/06
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - April 1st, 2013
We're using a revolutionary new plugin for use with our Lightwave software to bring you this brand new intro sequence. Your mind will be blown!
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - March 25th, 2013
Only 9 days left, and we're still at 20% of our microscopic goal. If everyone who visited our website on a daily basis, and even half of our subscribers pitched in $1-5 (across Newgrounds, YouTube, etc), we'd be well past our funding goal by now. Help us bring you better and more abundant content! Remember that Kickstarter is an "all-or-nothing" funding mechanism; no one loses or gains funding should we fail to reach our goal.
We need your help, and we need it now.
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - March 22nd, 2013
Here's some behind the scenes content you won't find anywhere else on the planet.
If you like our stuff, consider helping us out. We're down to 12 days left and are still a good ways from our goal!
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - March 19th, 2013
EDIT: NEW pledge options are available! Including the ability to SWAP items to customize what you get!
Last chance to get your caption edited into this image (see below) on our website! Winning caption will be selected tonight! Submit your caption suggestions here!
Also, we're close to 2 weeks left and we're at the 1.1k mark for our Delura Kickstarter. If you like our content (check out EP 005.03 here on newgrounds), we could really use some help for our humble production. Remember that the 6.5k goal is partly to offset the costs of taxes, fees, printing and shipping... otherwise we would have set it lower. We just want to work with TODAY's technology instead of stuff from 10 years ago (athlon x2's, windows XP).
I'm not going to give up on the series should we not reach the goal, but I will need to dial back the quality of the visuals for EP 005.04 and beyond due to the many, many extra steps required to make old hardware do stuff it wasn't designed to do. Even EP 005.03's humble visuals required 2 months worth of machine hours even utilizing the most efficient processes possible. Support true indie content and pledge...
---We're not the kind of people who accumulate close to a million dollars and then ask for MORE money from their audience.
---We're not the kind of people who are already part of a well-established company with a huge team of employees and just want a quick boost in profits.
---We just want the tools needed to make cool stuff for you.
If you would like more information on the series, visit delura.tanadrine.com
Thank you all,
P.S, if you want to hit me up, tell me I'm great, tell me I suck, or just have questions or suggestions, my Skype is "ryanroye" :)
-Ryan Roye
Tanadrine Studios
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - March 17th, 2013
Same as last time. We want your caption suggestions for this image below!
Please comment your suggestions into this post on our website!
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - March 9th, 2013
Dijard just isn't a fan of parodies.
We're doing a Kickstarter for Delura and we need all the help we can get!
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - March 4th, 2013
The Delura Kickstarter has officially launched!! The timer is counting down from 30 days.
View the page here and help us make this series better than it has ever been! We need your help more than ever to spread the word.
VIEW THE DELURA KICKSTARTER PAGE, we have some really cool perks in store... even at the $5 tier it gives you permanent placement of your name in our credits page.
Let's knock em dead everyone! Give us the tools, and we'll give you the best sci-fi entertainment out there. We're working on 10-yr-old equipment right now and it would really speed things up to work on current hardware!
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - March 3rd, 2013
Just thought I'd give an update! I estimate it'll be tuesday or wednesday when they give us the green light. There's a link to the Delura kickstarter page preview on our website at delura.tanadrine.com
Posted by Tanadrine-Studios - February 24th, 2013
delura.tanadrine.com (character selector)
One more after this and all the characters who have appeared in the series will have complete writeups on them. Swami is the last character who needs a page.