Hello all! I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED about FINALLY being able to post our 3d-animated content on Newgrounds! I've been looking at this for YEARS, and being a 3d animator I really felt like I was missing out on all the action here.
No more. We plan to do some major ass-kicking here on NG, but there's a few hurdles we need to jump over first:
1) Getting our content on here gradually. I don't want to spam our stuff on NG, so our current plan is to release Delura's episodic content (in chronological order) every ~3 days until everything is posted.
2) We plan on releasing our latest episode of Delura (005.03) not too long after 005.02 is posted here, which features a major graphical upgrade in comparison to all previous episodes.
That's it! We're really looking forward to putting all of our new content here!
Thanks to Tom Fulp who got me invited to upload mp4s!