The Lightwave sample content which (purchasers get access to after buying it) isn’t something I really seriously looked at, partly due to the huge download filesizes, and also due to the fact that I assumed that the content was only really for studying from and had strict licensing applied. I was surprised to find that most of the content is actually labeled as free to use in production (commercial or otherwise)! There’s a lot of useful content I feel would mesh well with Delura (with minor modifications of course) and it would be a shame to deny them of some screentime. I just wish the artists names were paired with all of the models so that I could give credit where its due. I suppose the best that I can do in that case is to cite that some content originates from the Lightwave 3d Group. Either way, I am very thankful for this find. Good examples are like in the picture shown; some of the sample robot characters could be modded up to quickly create new mechanized Brakkian extras. Now speck finally has someone to talk to.
Also, this new NG blog system rocks! Waaaaaayyy better than before!
Haha I think you're sort of telling your story from the end to the beginning. Because the first time I've read your post I understood nothing at all, and I had to re-read it in order to get what you mean.
Ha ha ha, okay, next time try to first say what have you done exactly, and only THEN tell us where you took things from and in the END tell about the licensing stuff.
Ha ha, that tricked my brain a little. Good news. Yep, the model looks really polished. Literally.