I occasionally empty my spam folder (I'm glad the auto filters work so well), but as I do so I can't avoid reading several words before my browser loads the next page and empties the bin. I realized that nearly all of the spam we get makes absolutely no sense. No, it goes beyond absolutely no sense. I'm pretty certain it is a script just sending stuff through something like "google translate", but it results in some pretty funny wording. I also get a lot of spam from Germany and poland... I have no idea why. I did read Delura is also the name of a popular German soccer player *shrug*.
Translated voice spam messages! That's right, those entrepreneurs in Sudan, China, and many other places in the world want to sell THEIR product to YOU!! Language is no longer a barrier!!
Example of what will be said vocally over your telephone:
"Various impedance methods of socks gravely adds second crustations."
Isn't that fantastic!?