the Athlon 64 x2 6000 is a 2 core processor right? I donĀ“t know too much about AMD
to edit my renders I use After Effects, and I use 2 plugins to simulate the Depth of Field (frischluft lenscare) and the Motion Blur (Revision Motion Blur) to speed up my renders. The other day I needed to make a explosion with Amethyst pieces, each frame was like 40 minutes without Blurs, 3 hours using depth of field and motion blur. So I used this plugins to speed up my work
Search if you can render in Lighwave 3D a Z-Depth layer
Example: <a href=""> ng_mattes/large/rendering_mattes_05.jpg</a>
and a Velocity layer: <a href=""> .png</a>
for velocity the image records XYZ movement directions in RGB Colors, with the Revision plugin you use this information to create the motion blur
Those multipass renders are a pain in the ass and consumes a lot of time, and the result inst that great. thats why i stopped using it
I Use after Effects, but I heard a lot of proffesionals use NUKEX
wow, i think thats a lot of time for rendering. What processor are you using to render? and what software you use for 3D?
Tanadrine-Studios (Updated )
It is! To be specific, that is 5-15 minutes divided by 3.
Software: Lightwave 3d.
For post production, I will be utilizing Blender for final touchups and stuff. I'm trying to gradually figure out a decent workflow for render passes in Lightwave (it isn't built in, you need a plugin for it)... i've just barely begun to explore that and there is still a ton of stuff I don't know about 3d production. I came into the 3d realm originally as a 2d animator/media artist.
Hardware: This is being done on three Athlon 64 x2 6000 processors. They were top of the line about 10 years ago around the time I purchased my main working system. I suppose I could take the pentium 4 out of the closet but I don't know if the effort required to set it up would be worth it.
I should also mention I am using 21-pass motion blur to soften the movement in scenes that require it. Though I'm using Blender for post, I really, really need to get my hands on better video editing tools that can handle alpha masks and allow me to work more visually. I could also circumvent some of the render burden by doing certain effects in post instead of straight through Lightwave if I had the software for it.